Money as a lever for power, skews the political playing field.
Money as a feel-good salve for a feel-bad conscience, poisons individual morality.
Money as a reward for selfish behavior, powers our current capitalist system!
It’s a positive feedback loop that favors selfish accrual of wealth over society-supporting labor while yet providing moral cover to the wealthy by equating money investment with labor contribution. You can click ‘buy’ on an investment website and brag about how you’re helping to ‘create jobs,’ as you lounge by the pool…
We’re on the same page. We simply disagree on tactics.
But let me add that I’ve seen so much change in a positive direction that while, certainly YES, we’ve dug ourselves a deep, deep hole, and have a lot of work ahead of us, let’s be very careful about what we tear down in our quest to build back better(!).
Because that hole that we’ve been digging, it’s not nearly as deep as it would have been absent the positive changes I’ve seen in the last 50 years. Not even close.
One tiny example, the word ‘sustainable.’ It’s entered the modern consciousness as an attainable and essential environmental/energy/economic goal in all large-scale human endeavors. But fifty years ago, thirty years ago, even twenty years ago, the word wasn’t in the common lexicon. It wasn’t the easily grasped concept that seems now so common sensical. The concept hadn't been developed.
It is now. And the accrual of more and more wealth (and this is entering into our common understanding) as a systematic essential of economic systems, isn't sustainable...
Take care!