As I see it, god, and I’ve written of this elsewhere, gives us a reason, a meaning. Pretty much for whatever we need a reason or meaning for.
“God knows!”
There is more of course, forgiveness and faith come to mind, but I agree we need an update in our understanding. The update you propose sounds to me much like the New Testament ‘version.’ But I see the need for a new understanding entirely.
The supernatural has lost its place in our natural world. It’s a plain, bald fact, and no amount of hair-pulling, proselytizing, or blame-placing will change it.
There is need for a replacement belief because god did, and does, provide meaning. I think a lot of what I see in today’s right-wing politics is a reaction to the belief that the political left has lost any sense of meaning—that they have gone to the dark side!
I think what is needed is belief that the world as we see it and live it, is the world we are, each of us individually. The boundary between ‘me’ and ‘not me,’ in other words, exists solely as perspective. With this view god need no longer be a supernatural being, but a wholly natural one, existing as all that is, and any ‘boundary’ that may exist is one solely of perspective.
Thanks for the read!