As I understand it, the heart of your proposal is: “everyone employed in any business or government…would be paid the same income.” (Took me some time to find it. It’s kind of buried in the text.)
As I see it, as a pragmatic reality, the real barrier isn’t money; it’s worth. It’s people’s sense of their own worth relative to others around them. If that isn’t addressed the proposal is DOA.
Until the day most of us believe that all of us contribute equally to society, regardless of job or education, you might consider a tiered system of some nature that restrains income excesses while recognizing social imperatives like feelings of relative worth.
(As an aside, and as someone who also has complex ideas that I strive to get across to others, might I suggest breaking up long articles into sections with headings, and working to make your points more succinctly by eliminating everything that doesn't point directly at them?)
Thanks for the read!