Entirely agree! It's a corollary of one of my favorite phrases, 'all absolutes are relative (to those believing in absolutes).'
In a sense all experience is 'its' own objective reality. Reality is, always, how 'I' experience it, and that is absolute. But, any given experience is 'built' from all experience, despite that your experience, even of the 'same' 'thing' may be far removed from mine!
You see and experience a lover, for example. I see and experience that 'same' person as a stranger. We might say that, objectively, this same person has a name and a more or less objective appearance that all those who experience this person can agree upon. But all those experiences of this 'same' person are different! Sibling, child, neighbor, cousin, co-worker, friend, on and on...
So, objective reality is entirely subjective.
So, what 'is' reality? Is there an 'ultimate' reality?
Yes, there is; it is the shared elements of all experience. AND, no there isn't, for each experience their own absolute reality.