I apologize in advance for my contrarian views!. But I have to disagree. Atheism is not (necessarily) a worldview.
Take Alice, Bob, and Charlie. Alice adheres to the teachings (making something up here) of the Thirteen and three-quarter Ascending Steps (13.75AS). These steps, whatever they are, are so important to her that we could say that Alice has a 13.75AS worldview.
Bob grew up with 13.75AS, but he no longer believes in it. Does that mean his worldview is influenced by something he doesn’t believe in? Does he have an anti-13.75AS worldview for simply not believing in what others do believe?
And what about Charlie? He’s never heard of 13.75AS. No clue. Is his an anti-13.75AS worldview?
Don’t misunderstand me, please. But purely from a physics standpoint it’s tough to be influenced by something that’s literally not there for you. Like the live unicorn in your backyard. It’s really not there, so if your worldview is influenced by the unicorn, something is probably very wrong!
Personally, I don’t believe in an objective universe in the first place, that either has or does not have a God in the second place. Thus, I am perfectly content believing that the believe in God is both perfectly valid (for those who so believe), and perfectly invalid (for those who don’t).
Thanks for the read!