Integrity, yes, so important and so overlooked! Indirectly that's kind of what I was saying in 'glib answer,' because how we see the world is very much up to us, so if we don't bring our own personal integrity with us as we view our world, we'll never really be able to see who we ourselves are. It's really just called being honest with ourselves. And in the process of being honest with ourselves we gain the ability to recognize and appreciate integrity/honesty in others, even if we disagree, and via mutual integrity we can find common ground.
I have a simple definition of truth: 'the honest representation of experience.' I try to live by that in all my interactions with others.
By the way, as far as the integrity in Medium. I've discovered recently that if I rate every article I read in a consistent manner by giving claps (you're allowed to give up to 50 per article) the Medium AI god recommends articles to me much more in keeping with what I like. And there are some excellent articles out there.
Take care!