Is there a gentle way of saying this post is 'misleading'?
Here's a quote from the document you link:
"Hospitals, with the exception of psychiatric and rehabilitation hospitals are required to report seven days a week but, where possible and pending further direction from their state or jurisdiction, are encouraged to report weekend data on the following Monday with the data backdated to the appropriate date."
So, no longer ‘daily.’ You are very correct. They can wait a couple days over a weekend and when they come back Monday, then they can report, backdating as needed.
But, to that mild (even humane!) change in federal policy, you ascribe this intent, “they want a deceptive dip in fatalities to help them sell the ‘mild’ Omicron narrative. They’re going to attribute the spike in deaths this month to Delta.”
Level-headed, well-informed analysis of current events is a rare and precious thing. Your post didn’t change that, but, thanks for the read anyway! Even when I learn nothing from an article itself, I always at least learn something about the authors who write them.