Not going to disagree regarding capitalism. But there is an underlying social issue which feeds the worst aspects not just of capitalism, but global political power in general. It's the notion that some people are more worthy then others and that the more worthy are, ipso facto, worth more. Thus, those worth more are more worthy!
Even many self-professed 'unworthy' citizens believe it, but among the wealthy it can become a kind of self-preening truism. They can then feel perfectly justified working overtime to use their wealth to tilt the political power playing field in their favor, because they are more worthy, as proved by their money worth!
That's why we need every vote and every sane voice to counter that tilted playing field.
It can be done!
(Please forgive me if I go on. I recently described myself as a 'toxic optimist.' I try to throw some suitably corrosive good will on the negative aspects of our world...).