On the one hand, I’m leery of those who profess to know what I think and who I am and then tell me what I should think and how I should change. On the other hand, I do get where you’re coming from! So, on a personal level, let’s call that a wash.
But, saying things like, ‘you aren’t real…this is all an illusion’? Call me old and crotchety, but isn’t that a little glib?
Experience is always valid, always ‘real.’ You say that yourself. So, the experience of being…whatever, is also real.
In the quest to grow our perspective do we really want to repudiate where we’ve been as a way of moving ourselves along? Or might we be better off like the rancher who, having set their sights on acquiring neighboring land doesn’t seek to trash their current property (by calling it myth), but only the fence between?
Tear down the borders. Not ourselves. That’s how I look at it!
Thanks for the read!