The thing about believers is that’s it’s not only that they believe non-believers have no moral center; it’s that they believe they have no moral center.
They believe that were it not for the everyday presence of a god their moral center would be stripped away…because, to them, their moral center doesn’t belong to them, it belongs to their god.
It’s an actual fear. They are less than whole without their god.
Instilling anger, guilt, frustration or fear in a believer will cause them to cling all the harder, not push away from their god and moral center.
So, in all sincerity I should apologize. You asked what I would do. I responded by telling you I would do what I have always done, but without telling you what that is. And that is to be a non-believer, openly and unapologetically, while living an upright, morally-centered life. Pretty simple.
The only way to assuage fear is to show, not tell, but show that there is nothing to fear. For morality, it’s a case of showing that humanity has a built-in moral center. So shedding belief in a god doesn’t strip the center away.
The next thing that will hold shedding themselves of belief is their belief in hell. 'God punishes non-believers.'
So, here’s an argument: If ‘belief in god’ provides the moral center for all humanity, then those who don’t believe would, statistically speaking, live immoral lives. But, statistically that is not true.
So, maybe it’s not belief in a god that provides a moral center. Maybe humans, on the whole, possess a moral center whether they believe or not.
And if that’s the case, then, did God deceive? He said we had to believe to be moral, but we actually don’t. And he would know that. So, maybe hell doesn’t exist either, because how can you trust a deceiver?
It won’t work, but it might be fun to try.
No fear…