What you call constraints I call meaning.
Constraints are like walls built by someone else. Meaning is a wall we build for ourselves.
Meaning defines who we are. The inability we might have to not help a lost child, for example, is a wall self-built. We could step over that wall. But we don’t. Not because of constraint, but because the being we would be on the other side of the wall is not who we are/strive to be.
I believe these walls self-built extend through every avenue of our being.
Is consciousness that we are exercising free will a prerequisite for possessing free will? If not, then the freedom to constrain ourselves, even ‘unconsciously,’ is freedom nonetheless.
I have come to believe that the ‘laws’ of physics are not a ‘given,’ but rather that at any contextual level are self-imposed, defining meaning at that level. This is not to say that all that we identify as ‘things of themselves’ are indeed things of themselves with agency to create walls of self-meaning.
No. rather, if instead of looking at our world as one of interacting ‘parts,’ we would understand it in terms of an evolving, self-creating whole, life being life, I think it would follow through even more eloquently.
Constraint states: “Any activity that leads to the devolution of civilization is an utter disgrace to the sacrifices of our ancestors.”
Meaning states: “Any activity that leads to the devolution of civilization is an utter disgrace not only to ourselves and all we are and know, but to our ancestors and all they were.”
Thanks for the read!