When we look at our own jobs and at the organizations that employ us as money-making endeavors, we utterly fail to see the deeper meaning and purpose of both, and that is to provide goods and services to society, i.e. to EACH OTHER.
We give to each other the gift of our own labor. When we cheapen that gift by putting a variable money value upon it the 'gift' becomes farce and wealth, not contribution, becomes our way of measuring'worth.'
To me, that's the root of economic inequality. It doesn't emanate from the rich, from the legislators, from the capitalists. It emanates from all of us who buy into the notion that some of us are worth less, and some more. A doctor without a nurse to clean the bedpan must as well be a nurse. Does that make the doctor less 'worthy'?
UBI may work temporarily as a stopgap. But in the long run, it's like putting makeup over melanoma and calling the cancer cured.