Yes! ‘I have immersed myself, and the weight of water displaced…is me!’ Archimidean!
I suspect while we may seem very far apart, we are not. We are ships on different tacks sailing to the same destination, called: Who/what am/are I/we.
I suspect your tack is to distill. To seek the essential, the underlying, the foundation, the root ‘truth’ that colors all you are and know.
My tack is to include. To embrace, accept, welcome all that colors me what I am.
Infinity, the concept of elements never ending, devolves (as it must if it is to exist at all as elements never-ending) into no one element, into no element at all, never ending.
Zero, the concept of no elements at all, evolves (as it must if is to exist as a concept) into elements never-ending.
Zero is infinity devolved. Infinity is zero evolved. Their separate tacks eternally cross, each becoming the other.