Your argument relies on the assumption that the universe is separate from any awareness of it.
What if it isn't?
Where does logic fit into a universe which exists as the awareness of 'universe.' Wouldn’t it only ‘exist’ if there is also awareness of ‘logic’?
But logic, like math, only ‘fits’ if there is also awareness of things of themselves. The number ‘1’ is a thing of itself. Any element, say ‘A,’ in a logical expression must also be a thing unto itself, inviolable within the bounds of the argument (if the argument is to remain consistently logical).
Is that the life you know, where things are always the same things, and concepts always the same concepts, unchanging? Are even numbers, when applied to real life, always the same numbers? If I hand you 5 apples for your pie, but you find later that one is rotten, do you still have 5 apples for your pie? Did I even hand you 5 apples for your pie?
Isn’t an apple the awareness of it?
Just asking! Thanks for the read.